Achieve goals and reward yourself because that is the pattern you will be addicted to.
If there is one thing I am sure of, that you can create success over and over again. From training with the USA Olympic Football Team, to running for the senior team as vice president of loanDepot, there is one simple process I have used many times to get to the top.
There are three stages to every goal I set for myself:
Fact: You need to know where you are going
Happiness: Find activities that bring you happiness that will take you where you want to go
Celebration: Celebrate along the way!
Step 1: Clarity – what do you want?
Anything you wish can be turned into one thing you really want: change. So, let’s say you want tons of money. Clarity will ask questions like these:
1: What will you buy?
2: Is there a trip you want to take?
3: What charitable organizations can you donate?
Start with an end in mind as you plan for clarity and adapt to your current season of life. For me, I probably don’t want to miss any of my child’s soccer games, and take one day a week. . Spending time with your family can be your request for change right now.
Step 2: What are some fun activities you can take?
It is interesting how the universe will reward the action that follows your request for change. If you score a goal, and you do not move your feet toward it, I would not expect it to just fall from the sky, would I? We have to take action, so why not make it fun?
If you are able to create that alignment and align with what you are saying and start syncing every day, the size of the interpreter’s growth is very important.
If my goal is to spend time with my family, and my daughter is on the football field and I am not there to train her. I have to ask myself some difficult questions to get back to working on my goal: Was I improving? Listen to podcast, returning text messages? Is this goal still important to me?
I have to answer for actions that are in line with the goals I set for myself. Also, find joy in doing it at the same time.
Step 3: Shake along the way
I think that’s where it’s going to be fun.
Once you are clear, you define what success looks like. Now you are moving forward and you are starting to integrate your life. Then it is time to really celebrate the written goals. So if your goal is money and success, you are probably spending 10 percent on something that excites you! If your goal has been to spend more time with your family, perhaps you and your daughter will enjoy a smoothie after soccer and take a moment.
I think most of us miss Step 3 (celebration) because we keep moving the goal so we can never live out success. But in order to integrate and live as your own version that has achieved what you set out in Step 1 (clarity), you need to reorganize your brain to crave the chemicals of success. It’s really as easy as celebrating when you take the 2nd step (happiness), so you don’t diminish the joy along the way.
Related: 6 Principles for Personal and Business Success
Here’s how I break down my three steps in everyday life
Each month I have big goals for the year divided into three important goals for me. There are some real things I do each week that I put off the list. So if they are not completed, each goal will move on to the next week. But I do it myself and there are great rewards at the end of the year. When this happens, I will be able to reward myself with confidence. I believe they have the power to celebrate small, medium and large wines in a way.
Items that promote goal setting
Another thing that can distract us from holding back the celebration is that we set unrealistic expectations for our times of success. Because one thing I am sure of is the truth that you will not achieve every day. It will not be a magical day when you feel complete and everything is clicked to reach your goal. It will be a day in the middle, a day out of progress for perfection in your mind.
I return to my early life as a successful and athletic child. Many times winning or losing was the only way to see things. But as you grow older you realize that those two things can actually stay together. They can live together. Lessons are learned from both winning and losing. Defining success is not simply about winning. Like I said, you will not succeed every day.
When you stumble upon failure, a good idea seems to ask yourself questions such as:
1: Can I learn and grow or win or lose?
2: When things are thrown at you, how do you react?
In my days on the football field, some of the biggest news for me and my biggest growth was actually when our team lost. Because if you don’t play your best game, you see what you have to work on. Winning and losing are all experiences.
Make bite size goals, and then reward yourself by taking an exciting action because that is the pattern your mind will be addicted to gaining over and over again.